文章分享:「The Long Slog to Level the Document Playing Field」

By | 2015-03-17

The Long Slog to Level the Document Playing Field



這篇文章的觀點分別來自於 ODF 及 Apache 基金會的成員,針對美國政府目前對於 ODF 及開放源始碼的態度、現況提出不少建議及看法。其部份的觀點看起來稍為激進了一點點(比方說稱 OOXML為:pseudo-standard formats),不過整篇文章還是有許多可以參考的地方,我們也在此節錄部份觀點給大家參考。

That plan includes a recommendation that every enterprise deployment of LibreOffice be supported by contracting certified professionals able to provide migration consultancy, training and bug-fixing services. The foundation’s migration protocol will reduce the impact of the migration on the organization, Vignoli said.

在這段文字中所提出的觀念認為導入過程中,應該與經認證、具備 ODF 文件轉移經驗教育訓練軟體修正能力的顧問單位合作,方能有效降低導過過程中所產生的影響,而文檔基金會( TDF )也提供了一個導入流程建議書提供參考,補充連結為:下載

“The No. 1 challenge is that decisions are made to purchase Microsoft Office without an open and transparent tender which purchases office software with the [compatible] functions,” Dyroff told LinuxInsider.

這段文字說明目前美國政府對於採購 MS Office 方案,並沒有提出一個公開透明的規格標準,讓相關的開發人員可依據此標準去修改可對應 MS Office 格式的軟體功能,補充說明的是,在微軟的官方網站上有提供一個 ODF 格式與各版 MS Office 相容的比較表格:連結,而中華民國政府的採購規範目前似乎也有與美國政府有類似的狀況。

In the case of LibreOffice adoption, end-users are drawn to the software by a number of factors, including its rich feature set, according to Vignoli. A key factor is the software’s diverse ecosystem with a large number of individuals and companies capable of providing value-added services to enterprises.


The lack of interest in ODF use within U.S. circles is due to a lack of leadership, according to Weir. For example, many other countries, in Europe and Asia especially, have a government agency that has oversight responsibility for national standardization efforts.

“The United States is different,” he said. “We gave up on the government-centered standards approach during the Coolidge administration, so what we have today is a system of voluntary consensus standards created by industry in a sectoral approach.”

對於轉換至開放源碼的 Office 方案,在歐洲的實例都會設立一個對此案負責的單位及窗口,而美國政府則是沒有這樣的做法,實際上最明顯的範例,就是法國的案例:Toulouse saves 1 million euro with LibreOffice,台灣則是有國稅局的案例:8千名國稅局員工改用OpenOffice,但兩者雖然都有上級單位支援,但最大的差異為外部支援的能量不同,各位也可以自行參閱。

OO.o / LibreOffice 服務,請參考:【晟鑫科技 OO.o / LibreOffice 商用導入服務


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